Policies & Billing
Insurance Policy
Pediatric Partners is a preferred provider for most insurance companies. We will, as a courtesy, file our charges to your insurance.
Please remember that your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. In the event that there are charges that are denied or dropped, we ask you that you contact your insurance company first.
All insurance policies are different and we cannot know exactly what is covered by your particular insurance plan. Therefore, we encourage all of our patients to read their insurance policy or check with their HR department at their place of employment to be familiar with what a covered service is and what not a covered service is.
All insurance policies are different and we cannot know exactly what is covered by your particular insurance plan. Therefore, we encourage all of our patients to read their insurance policy or check with their HR department at their place of employment to be familiar with what a covered service is and what not a covered service is.
Our expectations of you as a patient in regards to payment:
Insurance Documentation
Present your insurance card with EVERY visit to ensure that we have the most recent card on file
Change in Coverage
Inform us of ANY changes to your policy, i.e. “well checks” are no longer covered
Pay ALL Co-Pays on date of service to alleviate unnecessary billing on our part, which in turn lowers your costs
Financial Responsibilty
Make consistent monthly payments on any balances due.
Family Billing Plan

Pediatric Partners has “Family Billing Plan". This allows us to send only one bill for an entire family, unless you specifically ask for separate billing for your children.
A single bill will be sent to the parent/guardian listed as the “responsible party.” We will not under any circumstance send out a separate or partial bill to anyone not listed as the “responsible party.”
A single bill will be sent to the parent/guardian listed as the “responsible party.” We will not under any circumstance send out a separate or partial bill to anyone not listed as the “responsible party.”
If you have questions regarding your statement please call our billing office Monday-Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm or Fridays from 8:30 am-1:00 pm at 402-753-2900.